Blog: MN READ Act 4.12.24

MN READ Act: Since the adoption of the new MN READ Act, many schools have questions about what they need to do. We aim to answer all your questions here.

  1. When do schools need to register their teachers for professional development?

The registration window is open and closes October 1, 2024. All schools must provide access to training by July 1, 2024 to all Phase 1 teachers. Schools must register their teachers using this link: If you have not yet registered staff, we recommend doing this ASAP.

  1. Is there a cost for training?

No, it is paid for through the READ Act fund.

  1. Which universal screeners have been approved?

MDE has approved 3 screeners for grades K-3. They are:

DIBELS 8th Edition


MDE has not yet released information regarding screeners for grades 4-12. If you are currently not using one of these screeners, we recommend choosing one soon so you are ready to begin training staff and assessing students at the start of FY25.

  1. Does the READ Act affect the school’s Literacy Plan?

Schools are required to submit literacy plans. MDE has provided a template to guide the process. Schools are not required to submit any data in FY24. However, if your school is currently using one of the approved screeners, you may choose to include the data. Literacy plans must be uploaded to the school’s website and submitted to MDE by June 15 using the submission link sent to the school leader March 1, 2024. If you do not have the link, you may contact MDE’s literacy team for assistance at IDI will begin working on each school’s literacy plan in May. The READ Act is replacing Read Well by 3rd Grade. As of yet, MDE has not released information or guidance for schools that do not serve students in grades K-3.

If you need assistance with choosing a universal screener or professional development option, please let us know. IDI has some resources and information to help you choose the option that is best for your school.

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